Jumping to Conclusions

With the rise of attention for comic books in popular media, some good & bad things have come with this. While it has allowed the medium & the stories from it to be introduced to more people than ever before, it also means that certain tropes that have become standard fare for long time comic fans, like plot reboots & temporary weird character changes, are being scrutinized more heavily than ever. In this video, we examine this issue & whether it is good or bad for our nerdy community to be jumping to conclusions so quickly.

Question of the day: what has been the weirdest reaction to a comic book story that you have seen from the public?

As a side note, if you are relatively new to comic books & have found yourself easily offended by things like what happened to Captain America leading up to the events of Secret Empire, please understand that we are not saying that you don't have the right to be offended by that. We are simply pointing out that comics, by their very nature, change all the time & should be a source of happiness & community, not hate & scorn. Thanks.


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