Desert Rose Cosplay at the Dallas Comic Show

Photo Credits:
Superhero Photos - Gamora (03:20-03:24), Orion Slave Girl (05:28)
Joanie Brosas - Orion Slave Girl (04:50)
Albert L Ortega w/ Getty Images - Andorian (05:21)

Nerdy Girl Cosplay (03:22)
Alicia Marie Body (05:23)
Adam Malin, Alicia Marie Body, Joanie Brosas, Megan Golden (05:25)
Walter Koenig (08:27)
Dominic Keating, Krystle Starr (08:29)
Scott Bakula (08:29)
Nichelle Nichols - 08:42-08:46

Cosplayers usually get into the community from a love of dressing up like their favorite characters. For those that stay in the community, however, their reasons are as varied as the people themselves. Some keep cosplaying for the same reason they started: the novelty of playing dress-up just never wears out. For those purists, the act of being a cosplayer is enough for them. Others seek fame & notoriety from the experience. However, only a select few ever truly see that ambition come through. Then, there are some that are lucky enough to have their cosplay get them opportunities to be involved in other projects that they would otherwise miss out on. These can be events that they are invited to work at, acting roles on stage or in film, or something more grandiose.

That last group is where Desert Rose Cosplay has found herself lucky enough to be in. Cosplaying since she was a teenager, she would regularly attend conventions dressed as her favorite DC & Star Trek characters. It was because of this that her talent was recognized by some of the people with the Star Trek Las Vegas convention & asked to attend. Initially invited to be a quality cosplayer dressed as various characters from the franchise, she quickly grew in popularity & was asked to become more involved with the stage show. Thanks to that, she has had the chance to meet several of her favorite Trek actors: from Walter Koenig to Scott Bakula. However, for her, none of them quite compare to her chance to meet Nichelle Nichols!

Being Dallas based, she is very open about how grateful she is getting to travel because of her cosplay, as well the recognition she has received from everything she has be part of. Getting to talk with her about her journey so far, Desert Rose was very humble about where she’s at & the fans she has gained along the way. If you aren’t already following her, you should definitely fix that! She is an incredibly talented cosplayer who is so much fun to meet in person!

Brad Sigler

Brad is brains behind Dallas Geek. With a background in photography & social media management, he provides the technical knowledge to this nerdy team. As a life long cinephile, his extensive knowledge of movie history, along with his obsession for everything Star Wars & all things sci-fi, gives more than enough nerdy knowledge to round out the Dallas Geek brain trust.


Dallas Geek at the Dallas Comic Show 2018


Krystle Starr at the Dallas Comic Show