Geek Speed Dating at Dallas Fan Days 2018

In the nerdy community, one of the more difficult things for many people is finding viable dating prospects that share your same interests. In fact, one of the most awkward things for someone can be trying to feel out a date’s openness to your nerdy interests & watch their eyes glaze over the moment you start talking about your love of Star Wars or evocative art style Steve Ditko & how his work with Marvel helped shape modern entertainment media. Well, what if you had the chance to meet people that you knew wouldn’t have that reaction because they liked those things, too? That’s where Geek Speed Dating comes in. Starting earlier this year & hosted specifically at conventions, they provide an open opportunity for people who share nerdy interests to meet in person & have a chance to hit it off! At this year’s Dallas Fan Days, we had a chance to talk to the girls running the sessions to get their take on what makes Geek Speed Dating unique.

Mike Rookwood

Mike is the charisma at the forefront of Dallas Geek. A life long nerd, he brings an extensive knowledge of movies, video games, & comic books to the team. His fandoms are primarily Marvel & DC comics, with a love of everything Nintendo to round things out. His passion for examining the relationship between nerd culture & pop culture has proven an ever useful asset in creating content here at Dallas Geek.


Jeff Balke Studios at Dallas Fan Days 2018


Kenzie Cosplays at Dallas Fan Days 2018