Heather Novocaine Interview pt. 1

Photo Credits:
Armando Hernandez - Minnie Mouse (2:01)
Filmshooter EventPhotography - Magic Knights Rayearth (2:51)
Thomas G. Ricks - Beetlejuice (4:32)
Scott Fischer - Beetlejuice (4:47)
Firebird Images - Luffy (4:57)

Earlier in the summer, we had the opportunity to sit down with one of our cosplayer friends, Heather Novocaine, to talk about how she got into cosplay & some of her experiences in the cosplay community overall. We went in to this thinking we would have some fun & make it a slightly longer version of our normal cosplay interviews. Honestly, we had every intention of keeping this simple. However, as I quickly discovered, having someone as sarcastic as Heather in the same room with Mike for a prolonged period of time was just asking for trouble...for me.

What started off as a mostly normal interview, quickly devolved into a sarcastic battle of wits...with some actual questions coming up here & there. Today's first part (of what turned into a three part interview) is actually the least ADD of the entire thing. You'll actually get to hear how Heather got started in cosplay & what it's been like coming up in the cosplay community. The rest of the interview.......well, you'll just have to wait to see what kind of craziness ensued as we went on!

Part 2 is coming this Thursday!

Novocaine Cosplay:


Heather Novocaine Interview pt. 2


Heather Novocaine Promo