Heather Novocaine Interview pt. 3

After the incredibly ADD free-for-all that was part 2 of this interview, we are finally able to bring things back in focus & get back to the questions you came here to see answered! Well, I'm sure some of you actually want to see them answered. For the rest of you, there's still more than enough sarcasm to go around! If you missed part 1 & 2, be sure to go check those out first. 

For those of you that actually made it to the end of this video, you'll know that we talked about a make-up demonstration that our wonderfully understanding co-host, Mike, has "volunteered" to take part in. That video will be coming out in two weeks, so be sure to keep an eye out for that!

Photographer Credits:

Novocaine Cosplay:


AnimeFest 2018 Promo (ft. Scarlet Muse Cosplay)


Heather Novocaine Interview pt. 2