Heroic Inner Kids at the Dallas Comic Show

When you have been attending comic conventions for a while, it’s easy to get caught up in all the fun of meeting your favorite celebrities, getting pictures with some amazing cosplayers, & buying as much cool merch as you can afford & not think about how the community around you can give back to those in need. Thankfully, a wonderfully caring woman named Rebecka Hunt did not. In fact, she looked around the nerdy community & understood the great potential that it had for making a tough situation better. With the help of some amazing cosplayers, she started Heroic Inner Kids back in 2014 as a way of inspiring at-risk and medically challenged kids to find their inner heroes!

Heroic Inner Kids is a 501c3 charitable organization. For those of you who may not know, that means that, rather than being a non-profit organization that raises money for another charity, like Make-A-Wish or the American Red Cross, they themselves are the primary charitable organization. This means that, when you donate to them, there is no middle-man & no chance for miscommunication between the group raising the money & the group that will be using it to give back to the community. While this may not seem terribly unique at first, within the nerdy community they are as special as they come!

Thanks to the help of their many volunteers, Heroic Inner Kids is able to provide medical, educational, & community programs to create an environment of service & humanity. That last part, in particular, is probably the most telling about who & what this organization really is. In all my years, I have never seen a group of people as committed to caring for others in such a deep way as them. I could tell you about their visits to childrens’ hospitals & how the appearance of costumed heroes makes those kids’ eyes light up. I could even tell you about the various reading programs they have established to help inspire kids by introducing them to comic books & having the actual characters from beloved childrens’ books come read to kids in schools & public libraries. However, if you really want to know what good Heroic Inner Kids is accomplishing, you need only ask they volunteers to tell you about why they do it. Their genuine care & concern for the kids they interact with is truly inspiring. You can tell that these are people who do this, not for the money, but because they care deeply for all of these children.

If you are interested in learning more about how you can help Heroic Inner Kids with any or all of their programs, be sure to visit their website. They have all the information you need to start volunteering with their various programs around the state. Or, if you don’t have time to volunteer, but still want to help them in some way, they have an easy to use Donate button on their homepage. And if that is still not quite an option for you right now, you can go share their latest posts on all forms of social media & help spread the word about the good work they do. No matter where you are in your life right now, they make it easy to help in whatever way you can.

Brad Sigler

Brad is brains behind Dallas Geek. With a background in photography & social media management, he provides the technical knowledge to this nerdy team. As a life long cinephile, his extensive knowledge of movie history, along with his obsession for everything Star Wars & all things sci-fi, gives more than enough nerdy knowledge to round out the Dallas Geek brain trust.


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