Lhars Ebersold and her Nerdy Sculpting

Photo Credit:
Scott Fischer - 00:23, 07:29

Leroy Roper - 00:25

In our attempt to cover the various aspects of nerd culture & the convention experience, we have had the chance to interview some amazing creators & artists, ranging from authors to voice actors. Now, today, we have the chance to introduce yet another aspect of the artistic talent showcased within our community: sculpting & prop making! The first artist working in 3 dimensions that we would like to introduce to you all is good friend of the show, Lhars Ebersold!

For anyone wondering how Lhars got her start as an artist, she actually came from a very artistically inclined family. Both of her parents were working artists who encouraged her talents early on. While she has has been attracted to many different mediums over the years, her love of sculpting could be seen even as a child when she would carve bars of surfboard wax, which her father collected to use on his own surfboard. Since then, she has progressed to much more intricate mediums, including foam & resin. In fact, her skills are so impressive, that she has been hired to contribute props for films & TV, including FX’s American Horror Story & ABC’s False Profits.

In our interview with her, we had the chance to showcase the side of her work that is actually available to everyone. For the Christmas season, she enjoys making some truly twisted ornaments that will tap into your sense of nostalgia & bring a big smile to your face! Or if you are looking for something more decorative, she has plenty of creative options that will make fans of Guillermo del Toro & Ridley Scott truly happy. And for the cosplayers out there, she can provide some of the most unique & impressive props to bring any costume or armor build up to the next level. If you are looking for quality & imagination, Lhars is absolutely the person to talk to!

Brad Sigler

Brad is brains behind Dallas Geek. With a background in photography & social media management, he provides the technical knowledge to this nerdy team. As a life long cinephile, his extensive knowledge of movie history, along with his obsession for everything Star Wars & all things sci-fi, gives more than enough nerdy knowledge to round out the Dallas Geek brain trust.


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