Madly Made Creations Interview at All-Con 2018

For those of you who have seen our roundtable that we did last October about our top 10 horror movie directors, you will know that Mike & I are big fans of the horror genre. It is a way for stories to be told that have a premise usually reserved for the realm of fantasy or science fiction, but with a really twisted & many times demonic perspective taken to them. It is an opportunity for both of us, as viewers, to enjoy a darker turn for our imaginations. So, of course, as soon as I saw a booth with what looked like a slue of Necronomicons for sale, I felt compelled to get a closer look.

The creator of these wonderfully horrific looking books, Alee Brucato with Madly Made Creations, was more than happy to tell me all about what she does & how she got into making these things. As it turned out, she had started out by doing this for her job with Dark Hour Haunted House. They needed to add a haunted library to their chilling offerings & she was given the task. As she got further into it, she figured out that she was not only really good at making these kinds of things, but she really enjoyed it! So, she started making more, outside of work, to sell. Starting with books & book boxes that she made completely from scratch, she quickly discovered the amount of work required to make everything from the ground up. Thankfully, she was eventually able to grow her business to the point where she could outsource the creation of the base boxes & stick more to the creative side of things. 

However, as I looked around her booth more, it became clear that the books were just the tip of the iceberg for her creativity. She had bags with faces or bleeding hearts popping out of them, a face in a jar, tentacles & dragons on everything, & leather jackets with a creepy looking face coming out of the back. I asked her about that face because it felt so familiar, but not from any of the various Necronomicons that I had seen before. It turns out that her inspiration for it was the Joker! All of the sudden, it dawned on me that it felt like I was looking at a scene practically right out of the Scott Snyder story: Death of the Family from Batman's most successful story in the New 52. The similarity only added to the spine-tingling sensation that it evoked.

Overall, the wonderful craftsmanship & clear love of horror that each & every piece out on display exuded was phenomenal. Alee has provided a truly terrifying offering decorations & apparel that any horror movie fan would be proud to own & display at home. If you are interested in checking her out, you can find her online or at one of several upcoming conventions throughout this year. So, be sure to go show her some love!

Brad Sigler

Brad is brains behind Dallas Geek. With a background in photography & social media management, he provides the technical knowledge to this nerdy team. As a life long cinephile, his extensive knowledge of movie history, along with his obsession for everything Star Wars & all things sci-fi, gives more than enough nerdy knowledge to round out the Dallas Geek brain trust.


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