Starting the Year at Madness Comics & Games!

We made it through 2020! And as a special way to get 2021 started right, we decided to show off one of the fantastic local comic & game stores here in North Texas that you NEED to know about: Madness Games & Comics!

As long time viewers of the show know, one of our favorite things to do is feature the various creators & places that make the nerd culture around Dallas absolutely amazing. Although nerd culture started inside comic & game stores, it can be easy to miss these smaller specialty stores today as larger behemoths like Amazon or Walmart continue to expand their offerings of nerdy staples each year. However, while they have certainly made price competition difficult for the average small comic store, places like Madness continue to prove that comic & game stores are not only STILL the best nerd havens around, but THE essential place to go for anyone wanting to learn about nerd culture today.

Have you ever wanted to start reading comic books, but have no ideas where or how to start? The staff at madness can walk you through the different characters & stories to help you find one that you’ll enjoy. Want to start a weekly game night, but can’t think of any games to play outside of Monopoly or Poker? Madness has one of the largest selections of tabletop, card, & roleplaying games in North Texas. Do you have a bit of a POPs…habit…but don’t want to give Walmart or Gamestop you business because of how they treat their employees? The ENTIRE back wall of Madness is covered in POPs!

If you have never had the chance to visit this nerdy tresuretrove tucked away in the middle of Plano, Texas, then join us today as we dive deep into everything you need to know about Madness Games & Comics on 2021’s very very first episode of Dallas Geek!


Who's Ready for a Watchmen Inspired Apocalypse?


Coming Soon at Madness Comics & Games!!!