Scarlet Muse Cosplay Interview at All-Con 2018

Photo Credits:
Open Book Entertainment: Green Lantern, Beauty & the Beast
Scott Fischer: Jessica Rabbit
Allen Lash Photography: Maleficent, Steam Punk
JC Weadock Photography: Mary Jane Watson, Ariel, Misty
Tminus7 Photography: Black Cat, Steam Punk, Yuki Kuran, Slave Leia, Zatana
Photo Persuasion: Kim Possible

During my time roaming around the convention floor at this year's All-Con, I had the opportunity to see many talented, creative people showing off their skills. Some were selling their products, while others were building their reputation in the community by getting face time with their fans. One person in the latter group was Erica Muse of Scarlet Muse Cosplay. On this day of the convention, she was decked out in her Darth Rey costume & was quite gleefully taking every chance she had to talk to each of her fans, as well as potential fans, who came by her table. 

From outward appearances, it could be easy to think that she knew everyone at the convention. However, as I quickly learned talking to her, she is simply so happy to share her love of cosplay & costume making that she just wants to meet everyone she can. In the time that she has been coming to conventions, she has created over 80 different cosplays ranging from her more straight forward green lantern costume to the much more complex & involved beauty & the beast couples costumes. It says something about the dedication of a person to their fandom that they would undertake such a significant effort to continually refine their craft, all to celebrate the things they love. My favorite story of hers was when she told me about her experience making her Slave Leia costume & how, in order to get it done on time, she would work on pieces for it during her lunch breaks at work, hot glue gun & all! If that's not a sign that you love what you do, then I don't know what is.

While she is still making a name for herself in the cosplay community at large, her passion for what she does has continued to attract people to her work. If you ever find yourself at a convention & you happen to run in to Erica, don't be afraid to start a conversation with her about your mutual love for cosplay. It may just be one of your favorite parts of the convention.

Brad Sigler

Brad is brains behind Dallas Geek. With a background in photography & social media management, he provides the technical knowledge to this nerdy team. As a life long cinephile, his extensive knowledge of movie history, along with his obsession for everything Star Wars & all things sci-fi, gives more than enough nerdy knowledge to round out the Dallas Geek brain trust.


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