Scarlet Muse Cosplay Interview pt. 2

We now arrive at the second & final part of our interview with Erica, from Scarlet Muse Cosplay. I have to say, as much as we enjoy talking about the craft of cosplay, we end up having the most fun when we inevitably turn the conversation to all things nerdy. While there are some disgruntled fanboys out there who believe that popular cosplayers are all about the modeling side of things & "fake it" on the nerdy stuff, we've found that that couldn't be further from the truth. Sometimes, all it takes is a little prodding for the flood gates to open! 

In this part of our interview, we jumped straight into Erica's newest passion for voice acting & what it's been like learning how to do it & what she's learned so far. As it turns out...not as easy as you may think! Luckily for us, though, that quickly shifted into the subject of video games, which is where everything went off the rails, in the best possible way. 

If you're not already a fan of her, you should go check Scarlet Muse Cosplay today! She's not just a fantastic cosplayer & costume maker; she's as nerdy as they come & so much fun to talk to!

Scarlet Muse Cosplay:


Tom McKee Talks Funimation, Voice Acting, & AnimeFest 2018


Scarlet Muse Cosplay Interview pt. 1