I'm Crazy Great by Alan Bourgeois

For this week's Spotlight Sunday segment, we bring you the memoir of the man responsible for bringing this collection of authors together in the first place! Alan Bourgeois is the founder & owner of Texas Authors, Inc., as well as a published author in his own right. After publishing his first story in 1990, Alan’s literary career lead him to one, inevitable conclusion: independent authors need a system of support to help them replace what the big publishing houses provide for their contracted authors. Alan saw the heavily slanted way the publishing system was setup &, in 2011, he began working to change it for the better. During that time, he experienced some of the most volatile changes in his personal life, including temporary homelessness, all while focusing on creating an organization meant to help even out the playing field for independent authors. Today, Alan’s efforts have created many new opportunities to help authors get their books out to the public, including: a website with a full library of works from the Texas Authors’ members, a radio show where authors can feature their latest work, a non-profit organization to help independent author get connected with libraries around the country, and an annual event for authors to learn about all of the latest ways to market their work & keep up-to-date with the latest digital trends in publishing!

Whether you are an author interested in a story about the struggles of the creative process & finding the courage to continue or you are someone looking for an inspirational book to encourage you through your own hardships in life, I’m Crazy Great is absolutely the book for you!

This interview was done at the Marriott in Los Colinas during the annual Authors Marketing Event presented by Texas Authors. If you are an aspiring or independent author who would like to learn more about how to market yourself using social media & the internet, be sure to check out the links below.

Brad Sigler

Brad is brains behind Dallas Geek. With a background in photography & social media management, he provides the technical knowledge to this nerdy team. As a life long cinephile, his extensive knowledge of movie history, along with his obsession for everything Star Wars & all things sci-fi, gives more than enough nerdy knowledge to round out the Dallas Geek brain trust.


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