Live Streams Dallas Geek Live Streams Dallas Geek

How to Stay Sane in Isolation

With everyone stuck at home, we thought now was the perfect time to go over our favorite things to binge now that we finally "have the time." Whether you're looking for a new series to watch, game to play, or book to read, we have recommendations for all of it!

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Article Dallas Geek Article Dallas Geek

Can Technology Save Us From the 2020 Pandemic?

With the news around COVID-19 & “The Great Pandemic of 2020” growing ever more bleak by the day, there is a solution to problems created by our self-isolation: technology! New opportunities for education, job training, small business resources, &, of course, mass entertainment, have all come up for grabs to anyone who knows where to look. So, we did the hard work of tracking down everything you NEED to help save time!

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Topic of the Day Dallas Geek Topic of the Day Dallas Geek

Online Streaming Services

With the recent announcement from Disney about their plans to launch their own online streaming service for movies & TV shows, we decided to weigh in on the conversation around the ever growing options for these services & what it means to us, the consumers. 

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