2017 Top 5 - Second Half of the Year

Before we get too far into the second half of this year, we wanted to give our (relatively) quick thoughts on what things we are most looking forward to in the coming months! We know there are so many things we could choose to talk about, but these are just our favorites.

1. Star Wars: The Last Jedi (0:28)
2. Dunkirk (yes it's already out & yes, it was awesome!) (2:00)
3. Most things Netflix (4:34)
4. Daniel Craig coming back as James Bond (9:15)
5. Kingsman 2: The Golden Circle (11:27)

Side note, if you have ever wanted to see what a complete lack of memory/nervous breakdown due to not enough coffee looks like, skip ahead to #3. You can actually see Brad's soul desperately cry out for caffeine!


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