Baseball Movies are Superhero Movies in Disguise

In honor of the start to the major league baseball season, we decided to talk about our top ranked baseball movies with friend of the show, David, from The Last Call Podcast! Yes, we’re a few weeks late to this one, but let’s be honest: with so little sports anything happening right now, even a few weeks late is still basically on time these days.

Also, for those of you confused by the title of this video, just follow me on this one. Superhero movies have certain specific tropes that they all include: the hero’s introduction (sometimes unassuming, other times it’s the return of the reigning champ), the struggle for the hero to become the hero they think they should be, finding a mentor/become a mentor & are being reinvigorated to try harder, the obligatory training montage, at least one fight that shows their progress, some drama happens, then they finally succeed & become THE HERO. Now, replace the hero rhetoric with your choice of baseball terminology & you have Rookie of the Year or Field of Dreams…or 42…or The Sandlot.

If you still think this theory is a bit too out there, join us live today & see for yourself!


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