BCharlotteD Cosplay at A-Kon 2018

Photo Credit:
DVA: BCharlotteD, Edited by Dallas Geek
Swimsuit & Rave DVA, Misty, Asuna (Both): Scott Fischer
Misa: Dallas Geek

I have a confession...as long as I have been going to conventions & as many conventions as I have attended over the years...I have NEVER been to A-Kon before this year! It's true! I have shamefully missed out every year since I first found out about it when I was 18. In fact, I almost missed it again this year. However, by some turn of luck, I was able to make it for Sunday...the very LAST day of the con for this year. Wow, am I so glad to get that off my chest! 

Thankfully, our good friend Charlotte, better known as BCharlotteD Cosplay, was willing to act as my tour guide to the convention & show me all of the fun there was to be had at A-Kon (well, at least what was left by Sunday, anyway). We got to see all of the awesome anime & anime-inspired goodies in the exhibit hall; we spent more than a little time rummaging through all of the cosplay bins to see what new costume pieces Charlotte could find for her wardrobe; & we spent some time hanging out in the game rooms, checking out the pre-tournament fun that was being had on all of the various consoles, as well as the MANY matches of Magic: The Gathering & Pokémon that seemed to still be going from the night before. We even found some time at the end to do a photoshoot for her Misa cosplay!

And after all of that, we were able to sit down & talk for a few minutes about her experience at the con this year. Yes, if you have been following A-Kon online, you are probably well aware of the issues that plagued the start of this year's convention. That will be left for next week's post...mostly. For now, sit back & enjoy the bubbly personality that is BCharlotteD!

BCharlotteD Cosplay:


Captain Burton's Fun Time Sideshow Circus at A-Kon 2018


Dallas Geek Reviews Fan Expo Dallas 2018