Dani Chambers From The Ancient Magus Bride

If you are one of the many people who have wanted to get into voice acting, you probably discovered that it’s a pretty difficult industry to get in to. Even more if you want to get the bigger parts since the industry tends to find the voices that they like & keep using them over & over again for just about everything. So, if you do happen to get your break & obtain a small bit role, it is a monumental accomplishment. However, to find out that your second role with a company like Funimation is going to be the lead of your own show…well, it’s like winning the lottery!

That’s exactly what happened with Dani Chambers when she was called in to read for The Ancient Magus Bride! She had done some other smaller roles before coming to work for Funimation, including being the voice of Riri Williams, aka Ironheart, for the mobile game Marvel Avengers Academy, & Plushie Artio for the game SMITE. To help build her catalog of work, she even started a YouTube channel back in 2014 that focuses on Let’s Plays & Comic dubs. Even still, grabbing a lead role like Chise Hatori for the English dub of The Ancient Magus Bride is huge. And as we spoke to Dani at this year’s Waxacon, she could barely contain her excitement from getting to talk about her work!

Dani was nothing but gracious with us & we couldn’t have been happier to get the chance to sit down to speak with a rising star like her & get her thoughts on her journey thus far. If you want to check out the rest of her work or keep up with what she has coming next, don't forget to check out her website, listed bellow, where you can find the links to all of her social media platforms, her current work, & even the next events she will be a guest at!

Mike Rookwood

Mike is the charisma at the forefront of Dallas Geek. A life long nerd, he brings an extensive knowledge of movies, video games, & comic books to the team. His fandoms are primarily Marvel & DC comics, with a love of everything Nintendo to round things out. His passion for examining the relationship between nerd culture & pop culture has proven an ever useful asset in creating content here at Dallas Geek.


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