The Popcorn Tree By Catherine Green

For this week's Spotlight Sunday segment, we bring you The Popcorn Tree by Catherine Green! The Popcorn Tree is an illustrated children’s book that is all about a five year old little girl named Claire who woke up one morning to discover a tree that makes popcorn outside of her bedroom window. If you & your children are fans of fun stories involving talking animals & popcorn, then this book is absolutely for you!

For those of you who recognize the artwork on the cover, this book was also illustrated by the same artist that was featured in last week’s video, Syrena Seale!

The Popcorn Tree was illustrated by:

This interview was done at the Marriott in Los Colinas during the annual Authors Marketing Event presented by Texas Authors. If you are an aspiring or independent author who would like to learn more about how to market yourself using social media & the internet, be sure to check out the links below.

Mike Rookwood

Mike is the charisma at the forefront of Dallas Geek. A life long nerd, he brings an extensive knowledge of movies, video games, & comic books to the team. His fandoms are primarily Marvel & DC comics, with a love of everything Nintendo to round things out. His passion for examining the relationship between nerd culture & pop culture has proven an ever useful asset in creating content here at Dallas Geek.


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