Jake Goodman Interview at the North Texas Comic Book Show

Hey everyone, this is Mike from Dallas Geek with a quick update from our visit to this year's North Texas Comic Book Show. We had the privilege to interview local comic book artist, Jake Goodman, about the upcoming release of his first major comic book: Tartarus. Jake gave us the low down on this project, which he has been working on for a little over a year and a half and is in the final stretch of completing.

Jake went through several different iterations for the look of Tartarus before finally deciding on what you see today. It was something that he really took his time with, not only Tartarus’ physical appearance, but his clothing as well.  Without giving too much away, the book sounds like a throwback to the highly stylized titles of the 90’s. The character and setting are taken from Greek mythology; something that Jake has always thought was great source material that anyone could look to for inspiration. While Jake used a lot of the mythology that we know to create the world for his book, the story is his own story interpretation of the classics. One thing he told me is that, “with mythology nothing is totally concrete”.

The passion and excitement you can hear in Jake’s voice has both me and Brad very eager to get our hands on the title. One thing I will say is that after our interview concluded Jake and I talked for another forty five minutes or so, and I have to say I personally admire what he is doing. This is very much the story of a man who had an idea and is doing everything in his power to see it come to life.

As of writing this, Jake plans to have the first issue of Tartarus available at Fan Expo Dallas at the beginning of this April. I can’t wait to see Jake and get my hands on issue one (hopefully signed). I'm especially looking forward to talking to Jake again to find out how the final months of production went, see what the response to Tartarus is, and if he has found a publisher for the book. I know I speak for Brad when I say that we are really pulling for Jake and hope for nothing but amazing success for him with Tartarus.

Don't forget to check out Jake Goodman's work for yourself!

Mike Rookwood

Mike is the charisma at the forefront of Dallas Geek. A life long nerd, he brings an extensive knowledge of movies, video games, & comic books to the team. His fandoms are primarily Marvel & DC comics, with a love of everything Nintendo to round things out. His passion for examining the relationship between nerd culture & pop culture has proven an ever useful asset in creating content here at Dallas Geek.


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