The Enigma Series Interview at the North Texas Comic Book Show

Among the many comic book creators, store owners, and enthusiasts that we met at this year's North Texas Comic Book Show, there was one duo that stood out from the crowd. They were Charles Breakfield & Rox Burkey, the authors of a techno thriller book series called "The Enigma Series". They were just two tables in to the convention floor & were happily telling everyone who passed by about these books that they have spent the past half decade writing together. I still don't know what it was that caught my eye about them. Maybe it was the fact that they were the only book authors among a group of comic book fans or maybe it was the earnest reaction they had whenever someone asked about their books. Either way, I knew I had to speak to them. I needed to know what was so special about their stories.

As soon as I walked up to their table, Rox immediately turned to me with a smile on her face & asked me what kind of stories I liked to read. From there we spent nearly 15 minutes talking all about Enigma & what made this series unique. She & Charles work in the technology industry for a living, so when they came up with the idea to write something together, it seemed only natural to write about what they knew. What they didn't know at the time was just how many stories that would open up to them. A classic story of good versus evil based around technology & how it is used, they have discovered that there are very few limits to what ideas that we deal with today they can dissect with their characters. From satellite surveillance to cryptocurrency, they have covered so many things in just nine books (with the tenth under way now).

While Mike & I were there, we got our starters set for the series to take home with us. So far, we have thoroughly enjoyed the characters & plot & we can't wait to see what happens next. And we're not alone in our enjoyment. Last year, Charles & Rox won Best Techno Thriller in the 5th annual Texas Association of Authors Best Books Awards. With so many books in such a relatively short time, we can only imagine what the future holds for the the world of Enigma. I, for one, am looking forward to it!

Don't forget to check out The Enigma Series for yourself!



Mike Rookwood

Mike is the charisma at the forefront of Dallas Geek. A life long nerd, he brings an extensive knowledge of movies, video games, & comic books to the team. His fandoms are primarily Marvel & DC comics, with a love of everything Nintendo to round things out. His passion for examining the relationship between nerd culture & pop culture has proven an ever useful asset in creating content here at Dallas Geek.


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