Lost Things Cosplay at AnimeFest 2018

Photo Credits:
Scott Fischer: Suki (3:35), Fry (5:26), Lela (2:24)
Long Le: Fry w/ Slug (5:08)
Ron Wheeler: Fry w/ Slurm (4:24)
Jennyfer Keohane: Emperor Fry (4:26)
Firebird Images: Fry & Lela (5:33), Tinkerbell (1:06)
David Ngo: Fry, Lela, & Seymour (4:33)
Todd Emerson: Tinkerbell & Hook (1:02)

One of the great things about conventions like AnimeFest is all of the amazing people you get to spend time with. Friends old & new, AnimeFest gives each of its attendees so many opportunities to hang out with nerds like them who can bond over their joint love of the absurdity that is nerd culture. Take Lori from Lost Things Cosplay & her boyfriend Michael for example. Over the course of this one weekend, they were able to express their love for Anime, Futurama, Peter Pan, & steampunk all while fitting right in with every other person there. If that isn't proof that this event embraces the things that that the rest of society sees as wonderfully outlandish, then I don't know what is.

Speaking of embracing nerd culture, Lori & Michael are actually both common staples at conventions here in DFW. Lori & her many Tinkerbell variations are quite popular with kids & adults alike, inspiring fun & whimsy wherever she goes. Michael, on the other hand, can commonly be seen dressed as Fry from Futurama, walking around with his petrified Seymour & sad soundtrack, almost daring the tears to come from many of the people he meets. Luckily for us, Lori & Michael were generous enough to take a few minutes out of their busy weekend of anime fun to sit down with our guest host, Erica Muse, to talk about what their experience was like at this year's convention. 

If you are not already following their work online, you REALLY need to fix that! They are both phenomenal at what they do!


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