Top 10 Steven Spielberg Movies

This week, we Facebook live streamed our round table discussion about the Top 10 Steven Spielberg Movies with our friend David, from The Last Call Podcast ( With Ready Player One opening in theaters today, we thought now was the perfect time to talk about the best of the best that Spielberg has created & why they are as amazing as they are. 

For those who watch the original live stream, we had some technical difficulties, yet again, so the live stream cut out before the top 3 movies were discussed. Thankfully, we have the whole thing here. Enjoy!

10) Close Encounters of the Third Kind - 46:16
9) Minority Report - 50:18
8) Munich - 56:48
7) Catch Me If You Can - 01:07:48
6) E.T. - 01:15:18
5) Jurassic Park - 01:21:35
4) Raiders of the Lost Ark - 01:33:28
3) Jaws - 01:43:29
2) Saving Private Ryan - 01:53:11
1) Schindler's List - 02:06:50

In the comments below, let us know who your favorite Steven Spielberg movie is & why. We would love to hear from you!


Photo Persuasion Interview at All-Con 2018


Winter Thirteen Interview at All-Con 2018