Was Fight Club Genius or Terrible?

With our ongoing series “Does It Still Hold Up”, there are plenty of movies that we can talk about that are considered classics, even though they probably wouldn’t hold up with a modern audience without the help of nostalgia to keep them alive. However, today we are going to look at a movie that may be just as controversial now as it was when it first came out. A movie considered fundamental to many high school & college aged guys trying to put words to the angst they feel about the world they’ve grown up in. A movie that advocates the use of violence to reset society back to zero & try again. Was this movie a brilliant & prophetic work of fiction that gave us a look at what our future really has in store for us or was it simply an over-hyped, testosterone fueled mess that was designed to prey on the normal frustrations that most males feel during their formative years, just to make a profit…like Axe Body Spray or the comments section on YouTube? Today, we take a look back at Fight Club & see if it really deserves the title of Cult Classic or if it has secretly been a well marketed dud this whole time.


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